Welcome to the coaching services by Tommas Bried. Below you will find some basic explanations of my coaching philosophy. For information about my way please go to the menu item "The Coach".
Wherever people establish, lead, and develop businesses, the same topics arise: visions, strategies, analyses, values, opportunities, challenges, and the question of how to align collectively. All of this occurs within a complex system of relationships, desires, perceptions, mindsets, communication, and actions.
The future of a company, and how successfully and dynamically it develops, depends on more than just good products and services. How well are the leaders and the team aligned with common goals? How are the company values lived? How strong and intense is the connection with customers? How is the brand managed? What is the energetic state of the organisation? Which universal fields are associated with the company's products and services?
These are essential questions that companies face today.
With my coaching offer, I support you in creating clarity and orientation. Focusing on the essential things. Directing energy in the right direction. Reflecting, removing barriers, solving problems and conflicts. And in this context, developing sustainable future strategies, initiating changes, and implementing necessary measures.